Lt TMD was one of many young officers killed in the First World War. I include information on him, here, as he and I both have the same name, so I am curious about his life. I have found information on his war experiences since he kept a diary during part of his service. He was the eldest son of Roger Dodington, and lived at Horsington (information elsewhere on this site). TMD was one of six children: a son and daughter of his brother James are/were living in S. Africa. TMD's trench diary, photo scrapbook, military history, and the newspaper article below can be seen at the Somerset Light Infantry Office in Taunton, Somerset, England.
A note about his military service
A recent newspaper article about his diary
Military history, SLI, the day he died
Photo of TMD in trench, from his scrapbook
Photo of TMD on road, from his scrapbook
Photo of his fellow Officers, from his scrapbook